The loch Ness monster, affectionately known a Nessie is
a plesiosaur like creature living in Loch Ness, a long, deep loch near Inverness in Scotland
Many sightings of Nessie have been recorded, going back at least
as far as St. Columba, the Irish monk who converted most of Scotland to Christianity in the 6th century
The first tales of something living in the loch came from residents living
near the loch who would tell their children tales of the kelpie to keep them away from the dangerous waters of the loch.
The kelpie was a fearsome creature who lived in the loch, but when hungry it
would transform itself into a beautiful horse and wait for an unlucky traveller to climb on it's back. It would then gallop
straight back into the loch to feed on it's unfortunate victim
The monster of Loch Ness was the stuff of myth and legend until 1934 when Dr. Robert Kenneth Wilson, a London physician, photographed a plesiosaur-like beast
with a long neck emerging out of the murky waters